Pity Bull on Election Day


Someone was so excited to be an eligible voter, telling me how good is he as a Malaysian, lecturing me for not appreciating the rights I have as Malaysian.
He must be very happy to be able to cast a vote on the election day (i guess). He brought me to Blueberry and ordered himself a bottle of beer and a glass of cocktail on Thursday night.

Last night, he finished the whole plate of "Ikan Bakar" while I was busy at the tuition center. That is my FAVOURITE! He did not even think of buying some for me!
Today, he received the punishment:-

eat la, eat la.. dare you to eat my favourite again without me?!

Oooi! Wake up, wake up.. You need to cast the vote for "Bintulu's Future"..

haih.... It is obvious that I have to let him rest. I can only hang out with my second boy friend.
Bull, please get well soon!
Daniel White, talk to me, talk to me.. I will bring you for dinner afterwards, how about dining at Shell? or you prefer Petronas?