Yipikayee Motherfucker!

When a criminal plot is in place to take down the entire computer and technological structure that supports the economy of the United States (and the world), it's up to a decidedly "old school" hero, police detective John McClane, to take down the conspiracy, aided by a young hacker.

Sourced from IMDB

Muahaha.....Kaizo wanna compete with me who can finish watching Transformer and Die Hard, he lose real bad, I watched it at 11:00am today! Although i must admit, i watched it with mania, but i make this perfectly clear, i'm not a fucking gay! gays don't watch die hard, they watch brokeback mountain! Gosh, TGV JJ Seremban is really earning their pants off, even at 10:30am there was already a long line of people. Surprisingly, all of them are coming for transformers and a Tamil movie, boss something. Nobody is watching die hard, wtf, they are really missing out!

This movie really kick ass! you might think that the action is not the same anymore after Bruce Willis suffered 12 years of aging and finally lost every single shaft of his hair, but hey, you are so fucking wrong, the action is comparable if not better than the previous films! The action is so tightly packed that it's hard to breath! best of all, they do this the old school way, with minimal cg effects! The best scene i like is in the tunnel where it was just a Armageddon, car crushing and flying all over the place, it's a scene to behold! Bruce Willis take on Maggie Q is also another classic. He didn't show any mercy with the little gal and just whack the shit out off her the rough way (he was also whacked like shit, but that doesn't matter). These sent some testosterone surging into my brain and i admit, it get kinda high to see that, muahahaha....before all the females wanna pull me apart, hey, Maggie Q is the bad guy! bad guy suppose to be whacked!

My only grip in the movie is the boss die too easily. Like previous movies, the boss is well versed, well dressed and is a smart ass hole. The only difference this time is this boss is not tough enough to take on John McClane, even his girl friend (Maggie Q) did a better job than he does! Also, Justin Long (the mac guy in apple ads) is using windows in this movie, unforgivable! wtf? Apple should sack that guy and make me the new mac guy! razz

Final conclusion? I like this movie way better than Transformers! so this is my best blockbuster movie for this Summer (till now...who knows Harry Porter might replace it? very unlikely, but still...possible...)!


  1. K.K. said,

    so what if u watch it at 11am! you still lose out coz u watched it with Mania, which also makes you a total GAY! Brokeback to the max! hahahah!

    on July 7, 2007 at 10:35 PM  

  2. Anonymous said,

    Just now finished watching Die Hard 1 (1988). Damn! I was only 4 yrs old when this movie came out. Haha. Well kind of nice though. Anyway going for Die Hard 2 and 3.

    on July 26, 2007 at 11:10 PM