Should I be...?

Yes, after spending 3 years in USM, i'm now standing at a junction which will lead me to three different future. Should I further study? Should I continue my final year project constructing metagenomic library from Antarctica Soil samples? Who know, I might have the opportunity to go Antarctica and meet my friends (penguins) there.

Or should I start working as a microbiologist? working for people for my entire life? doing the same thing everyday, repeating the same tests in the lab everyday? am I ready to take this responsibility to be a microbiologist? A wrong test will kill the patient and ruin my career as well.

Or staying in my brother's new built company as the GM? If the company is expanding fast, my salary will be increasing too. In the future, I might be their business partner. But there's a risk, how if the company didn't grow as expected? Should I spend my time building up the company? Well, it's surely a time consuming task.
