Family Gathering

Yesterday, my mum called and told me that a family gathering party will be held on Mother's day. I couldn't remember since when my family started to have the gathering? The family gathering has now become a yearly event. They normally have the gathering on either Mother's day or Father's day and Moon Cake Festival.

It's always held at my 2nd aunt's house where every families will bring one or two dishes to the gathering. Well, they are all the family of my mum's siblings.

I kind of like the gathering in my teen as that's the time I can meet with my cousins. But lately I found that the gathering is dull and bored. Those cousins who are in their twenties are all male! Now they have their girl friends to talk to during the gathering. Even if they don't have one, I still have the difficulty to start a conversation with them.

Well, there are plenty female cousins, but the eldest is only 17! The rest are all under age. How am I going to communicate with a 17-year-old girl? I already found there's a big gap between me and my little brother, who is 21 years old. Since the 17-year-old girl likes children, she always occupies herself taking care of my aunts' children. (Sigh, it isn't my fault for not helping her out, kay. I think the children are scared of me as they cried and cried when I tried to approach them.)

I always end up staying with my mum and listening to the adult conversation. (Am I pathetic?)

However, it's undeniable that the family gathering has beneficial effects on the family relationship. It could be a dull party to me but I cherish the moment to be with them. Moreover, there are a lot of tasty food!