3 statement about myself

Today we had a TBL (task base learning) session with Dr. X (a pediatrician which is not our full time lecturer, I think he has the same hairstyle as kok Fang). Since this is the first session with him, he wanted us to introduce ourselves and said 3 statement about ourselves. 2 must be correct and 1 must be wrong. By da way, I think Felix was too mania de, he gave 3 wrong statements, wtf?? he can't even read the question properly now... here were my statements:

1) I'm handsome (which i personally, firmly and strongly held that it's the truth, nothing else but the truth)
2) Prof Boo failed me in my sem 7 end of posting exam (which is false, I got Prof Moti and Quek still think that i was the one who rampas his examiner and indirectly made him fail cause he got Prof Boo)
3) My girl friend told me that I have Daniel Craig's body (you told me before right Su Lin? ha ha)

To my amaze, my group members were so blinded by Felix's joke (who gave 3 false statement before me) that they think I gave 3 false statement also. WTF? There is only one false, and that's number 2, don't you all agree with me? :)

Going off the topic now...wondering where to go for a good vacation? This should be a good place, taken from this month's Reader's Digest.

An easy ride in New Zealand! I wonder they accept our license or not?


  1. penguin_lin said,

    Looking forward to watch next generation of James Bond -

    Daniel p.- The 007 agent (sarawakian)
    Sulin c. - The co-agent (the pretty, sexy girl)
    high-tech vehicle-..........Kapcai
    KRISTA (made in Malaysia) NBR 4**6!

    on April 5, 2007 at 7:41 AM  

  2. penguin_lin said,

    by the way, thanks to Quek sulin, Lim sulin, Lau sulin, Tham sulin for telling you one of the statement.That's very kind of them..

    on April 5, 2007 at 8:21 PM