Oh gosh, IMU had change the way i'm going to graduate

it's not a news de, got the notice last week. There's a minor change because LAN beisong how IMU is doing their sem 10 final.

Before the change, the passing criterias are:
1) Sem 10 we only had an exit viva. It's tested base on the portfolios we hand in during the postings in Sem 10
2) CFCS (some stupid crap project that required us to follow up a patient with chronic disease for 2 years) grade: satisfactory

That's it, that's all you need to graduate once u pass the sem 9 finals. let see how the change will affect me:
1) Still an exit viva, but it's renamed to 'clinical examination & portfolio discussion'. The addition of 'clinical examination' means that the things they ask is not confined to what we discuss in our portfolios anymore. So they can basically ask anything under the sun and since it's an one station exam, if u fuck up, you FUCK OFF, no more graduation party...:(
2) an addition of 'ON THE JOB CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT'. Hell, this mean everyday is examination. Not allow to fail more than once. Yeah right, now sem 10 sounds sooo interesting.
3) CFCS grade: satisfactory

sien. Sem 9 already sound so sien, now sem 10 got some MINOR modification some more....life seem hard ahead...

anyway, enough with my self pity. Su Lin is having her final paper this friday, wish ya all the best darling...:) so envy you....graduate de...i still got one full year ahead...one hard full year...


  1. penguin_lin said,

    Wat i can do is only wishing you all the best. Remember, dun push yourself to extreme.

    Good luck, dear.

    on April 22, 2007 at 11:21 AM