Before Viva...

My viva will be held on next Monday.. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. It will only make my performance worsen and make me become more nervous. I do what I can. I don't expect more from myself. Besides, I refuse to push myself too much. I'm happy to be average.

My elder brother was very motivated after he joined a direct sell (his part time). Now he is doing fine in the sells. I remembered that my elder brother scolded me for being so unambitious. But then he is lazy to talk to me after I told him the following statement...

"emm...emm... you know, there must be a failure only then others can see the succeeder. And.. I don't mind others contrast me (as the failure) with you(as the succeeder)!"

"MuMmy!! Your daughter is hopeless!"

I don't feel uneasy as my friend told me that my examiner could be Prof. R. ha... He is lenient. Moreover, he is my PA (Penasihat Akademik). So, you understand la. But I do prepare for my viva seriously, especially the Q&A session.

And here is the real killer... My supervisor!! Thus, for those students who get him as their examiner, God Bless You! Hey, I'm not easy too. He told us that he is going to ask us question if the examiner have no question for us. To be frank, he is not stingy in giving marks. The thing that my coursemates afraid of is the Q&A session. My supervisor's questions always appear to be challenging and need more thinking.

Well, he is only the "killer" in molecular biology. There are other "killers" in fermentation biology, Prof. IB and Dr. Y from Virology. They are the real killer! Because of Prof. IB, because of him, my CGPA dropped like hell last semester. Most of us got C+ and B- in his paper. As a result, we have no Dean's list from Microbiology last semester. What a shame.. If only he let us scored well, half of the class will be in the Dean's list.

Luckily I didn't take his subject this semester. Phew!


  1. ttt said,

    so how did the viva go ? im sure u did well did u not? x

    on April 28, 2007 at 6:31 AM  

  2. penguin_lin said,

    I'll tell you in the next blogpost..hehe..wish me luck!

    on April 28, 2007 at 10:05 AM